ZERO Carbon 2030 - Model & Control

In this series we look at the different ways in which modelling will help us achieve our vision of making the right investments to achieve a zero carbon electricity network by 2030.

4. Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

In this episode we look at how quality needs to be incorporated into our development of a low carbon infrastructure. Enjoy :)

3. Covid-19 & the Climate Opportunity

In this episode, Fraser reflects from lockdown on how the initial learnings from COVID-19 could be applied to climate responses.

2. Private Wires & Why they are so Important

In this episode, we look at how private wires are becoming more exciting and some of the issues facing developers and how to overcome them.

1. The EV Revolution is Coming - how to prepare

In this episode we look at how the EV revolution will transform the way our Grid has to work and the challenges facing anyone looking to make an investment. As a result, modelling will become imperative to determine the optimum investment in renewables, storage & EV for any site to ensure they maximise returns.