G99 Application Consultancy (POA)


G99 Application Consultancy (POA)


Our G99 application consultancy offer includes taking one application through to grid offer, but not to make re-applications. To be more clear the price includes the following:

  1. Reviewing the site information and renewable installation design sent by client

  2. Completing a fault calculation study on the generation system and associated transformers and AC equipment

  3. Filling and completing all information on the G99 ENA application form

  4. Either client submits form or Argand can make submission

  5. Up to 2 hours phone conversations with DNO planner, and client

  6. Assess the range of options available within the same application, should the DNO recommend changes 

  7. Time to modify the same application to point of acceptance (assuming not a re-submission)

  8. Achieve application offer

Note: If the above should take more than 8 working hours, then there will be a variation in the price, this is highly unlikely to happen within one application process.

Also to note: for a re-application, if the site details do not need reassessing we will charge a reduced fee

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